Suffer Less. Know Your Values Part 1


Hey guys! Welcome to The Thoughtful Beast! This channel is all about teaching you how to create your own happiness! Today we’re going to talk about finding yourself by finding your values. A lot of people struggle with who they are, right? A lot of people feel lost. They feel like, “I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know who I am and don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing,” and looking at your values can help us do that.

A lot of our values, especially when we’re young, come from our environment which is the media, our parents, our friends, other people we know. That’s totally normal. Where can having values based on the media and what other people say go wrong? Practically everywhere! There’s a lot of pressure for us to look a certain way from the media. What sucks too is that that gets internalized from other people including your family and friends, and it all gets pushed on us double. So now we’re feeling this double pressure to look a certain way, but how do you actually feel about how you look? Are you making who you are on the outside based upon what other people want from you, or are you actually becoming the person you want to be? It’s fine to care about the way you look.

The way you present yourself to the world is definitely important, but when people put too much stock into looking a certain way, it can cause a lot of depression and anxiety because we’re just constantly comparing ourselves to someone. Because we can never actually make ourself look like a celebrity, like a twin or anything, we just pick on our imperfections, right?…which is bad for us. That’s really unhealthy to just be like, “Oh, I’ll never have Jennifer Aniston’s nose! Oh, I’ll never had Nicki Minaj’s butt! Oh, I’ll never have Scarlett Johansson’s hair, if her hair’s really…”

It can be a lot of wasted energy or a lot of energy spent in a negative mindset. It’s kind of hard to figure out who you are, especially when there’s so many outside sources saying like, “No you are supposed to be this way!” It’s not just the media, right? It’s your family and their personal values being put on you, and that’s a normal thing, but it’s important to go outside of that and really find like what gels with you…what makes you happy. I also think that it’s really hard to go against your friends. I know for me, especially when I was younger, I was way closer with my friends. I didn’t think I had a lot in common with my family. I really felt like,you know, I…I need to be like the same as my friends. I need to be the same as this group of people, and those are normal things when you’re young.

Those are normal things for some adults still, but there are negative aspects to that. It causes a lot of anxiety and can cause a lot of depression, especially you know, when you’re focusing so much on trying to be like other people. When you’re young, some people tend to be more risky, and unfortunately some people get pulled into doing things that they don’t really want to do, you know? If you’re a young person, that’s definitely something to think about. If you have children, that’s maybe something to think about too. It’s normal to want to fit in, but also maybe take the time to encourage your child. You don’t have to give a lecture and be like, “Be who you are separate from your friends cuz like it doesn’t matter if you’re not cool!” To them, like that matters. Like sorry.

In life, you know, especially when you’re young, being cool-having friends-can seem like the most important thing in the world. So you don’t need to invalidate them in that way, but give particular situations, and be like, “What do you think is the right thing to do? What do you think is the wrong thing to do?” You know, just asking them basic questions like that, having a conversation with them, can really go a long way? You can help prevent your kid, or yourself if this all applies to you, from making decisions you regret later on.

That’s it for today guys! If you like this video please remember to like comment and subscribe, and I will see you guys later!


Make twerk please?

Here’s my hand twerking…