“Exercise? Where Do I Start?” 5 Answers That Aren’t Just Suck It Up And Go To The Gym.

“Where do I start?” It’s a fair and good question when it comes to exercising. Many of us have taken Physical Education (P.E). during school, but I’m going to also guess that many of us didn’t learn a lot. When we were that young we paid attention to our hormones and our fear of being chosen last. I, actually, spent a good amount of my freshman year P.E. class doing paperwork for my teacher.

My filling skills were hella worked out.

My point is that many of us never really learned how to exercise.

So…where do I start? 

Here we go!

  1. Personal Trainer

I know what you’re thinking. This chick is just trying to get me as a client. Yes. I am a personal trainer. No. I am not recommending personal trainers as a way to get your business. A good personal trainer is simply an amazing asset.

Certified personal trainers are constantly getting education on how to better train clients. Why? Short answer, if we don’t, we lose our certification. Our jobs are about knowing how to train people effectively and safely as possible. This includes teaching form, helping you figure out how to achieve your exercise goals, and knowing what exercises may actually harmful to you. Last great thing about personal trainers is that they don’t just exist in gyms. They can come to you, or be found online. 

  1. Group Classes

Personal training may be too personal for you or just straight up out of your price range. Group Classes are a great because you should be getting a certified instructor, but you aren’t alone. In fact, most classes have a mixed level of experience. That personally makes me feel more comfortable when I am trying a class. There’s always people I can follow, and then there are other people who I’m like, “Yeah, man. You and me! We’re getting through this!”

Having the energy of a group can really motivate you to give it your all and come back again. People make friends during class, and there is comfort seeing familiar faces even if you don’t feel like being social. If you are a social person, you can make a friend and motivate each other to keep coming to class! 

Lastly, you don’t necessarily have to go join a gym for a class. There are lot of studios dedicated to various or very specific fitness classes. You can buy their packages or just drop in.

  1. Videos

Seriously though, this is what I started with. YouTube and many other online places have endless amounts of workouts! If you don’t want to rely on the internet, or just like owning videos, there are great DVD programs as well.

Why are videos great?

You can do them whenever, and you can do them in the comfort of your own home. Also, you don’t have to worry at all about other people. They were actually a great way for me to build my confidence so that I could exercise in public in classes and on the gym floor.

My favorite video is Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred!

I fell in love with Jillian watching “The Biggest Loser.” Just so you know, she is not as crazy as that show made her out to be. She is tough, and this video can be tough, but she gives the right amount of push and motivation.

She gives great instruction, and has different levels represented by different people in her videos. Another great thing is that Jillian always provides a warm up and cool down. Those things are so important, especially when you are starting out. I love 30 Day Shred, and having this strong woman kick my booty into high gear!

I can make a whole post about my favorite videos, and I will soon!

  1. Join a Sport

This is another alternative for those who don’t want to go to a gym and for people who hate the thought of doing push ups and cardio machines. Exercise can be boring for people. That’s valid. I don’t think people should do things they hate to be healthy. That is unhealthy.

Basketball, soccer, football, badminton and other sports that keep you moving are great! Joining a team vs. at home along will probably help you stay the most active. We all know it’s easier to slack off doing things by ourselves.

Also, if you really like playing your sport, and want to get better at it, there is a chance this will motivate you to workout the same muscles used in your sport, i.e pushups to help pass and shoot the ball…just saying…

  1. Nutrition

Nutrition is not exercise, but it can help you so much with exercising. If you eat healthy, your body will have the energy to exercise and do more. You won’t be tired and crashing from too much sugar and caffeine.

Also, it’s important that you are eating enough if you are going to work out. You don’t want to pass out lifting a ton of weights for an hour because you only had a small salad today.


Sooooo….there! I hope that was helpful. Let me know if it was, or if there is something I left out.